Somewhen Storytelling Festival, 2023


Sue Bailey

Sue has been telling tales for hundreds of years (Well, that’s a tall tale if ever there was one!) She lives on the Isle of Wight and has told tales sheltering from storms in caves, sandblasted by beach debris, on the top deck of buses and ferries, and in many other strange ( and not so strange) places. She has helped countless children create their own stories inspired by local treasures ( both human and artefact) and is one of the organisers of the Somewhen Storytelling Festival.

She loves passing on the story gems that have come her way, intent on keeping alive the oral tradition. Folk tales, nursery tales, tales of wonder and tales to inspire or scare the pants off you – she will share them all. Just make sure you pass them on too.

Founder of the Island Storytellers, and member of *‘Tis Tales, Sue’s has a story for every occasion, entertaining families, schools groups and adults alike, in workshops, on story walks, and in performance settings.*

More Information:
Performances at this festival:
 Sat, 13:30 Story Walk with Sue
